Thursday, October 1, 2009


At this fantastic talk on generalism, a GP told a story of how a women went to a urologist with blood in her urine, and the urologist said it was ok. She then went to a gynaecologist to be checked for heavy bleeding who said it was OK. She then went to a GP who discovered that she had a bleeding disorder. The other doctors didn't look outside of their specialty.

It reminded me of the time when I sent a man with a prostate problem to a urologist, who shared rooms with his ear, nose throat surgeon brother. I wrote a detailed referral letter to the specialist, describing the problem which was obviously not read, because the patient had been put into the wrong room, and the ENT surgeon started examining my patient's ears.

I received a curt short letter from the specialist who said that there were no ear problems! I rang the rooms and told them, and they were not too fussed at all!

I'm just glad that he didn't have an ear problem and got put into his brother's room in error...

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