Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Animate - an animé shop in Kyoto

Have a look at the animé in this aisle. Imagine this times 20 and tou's begin to get an idea of the size of this shop.
I was buying some souvenirs and a young Japanese man spoke to with excellent English in an Austalian accent.
He'd gone to high school on the Gold Coast and he said rhat ot was nice to hear an Australian accent. Many Japanese speak English with an American accent, so ir really stuck out when he spoke.
The shop was awesome, and I wish all my Australian friends into animé could have been there.

1 comment:

  1. アニメや は大きいですよ。ビリーチがだいすきです。ビリーチは よく コンピュータで みます。どな アニメ がすきですか。じんじゃは とても きれくて ふるい です。しゃしん いいでね。
